Middlesex 2046 - Development

Since 2016 Middlesex County and local municipalities have seen an increasing number of development applications and approvals. With anticipated growth projections, this activity is expected to increase even further.

There has been a 100 percent increase in subdivision and condominium activity.  Recent trends include a mix of housing types, larger development phases, and greater complexity of proposals.

There has been a 25 percent increase in local approvals, which include consent applications, zoning amendments, and minor variances.  Recent trends include higher commercial development, more infill within existing neighbourhoods, and greater legal, environmental, and servicing complexity.  Growth must also be balanced, considering availability of services and permitted uses in urban areas.

New types of buildings are evolving in Middlesex County such as apartments and other higher density developments.  This is a change for the community and Middlesex County is seeking feedback from residents and businesses related to:

  • Feedback on changing development in Middlesex County.
  • Ideas or best practices to accommodate increasing growth.

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